The Real Christmas is Back!!!

Posted by Armando | 5:13 PM | , | 1 comments »

A few years ago it would have seemed implausible that the entire financial system of the world could be turned completely upside down. For years, Americans have wholeheartedly embraced the concept of credit. It seems as though for a while people actually believed money grew on trees. That’s the only logical explanation to the idea of borrow today and hopefully repay some day. But now that we have been given a reality check and a big slap in the face, we must cope with the situation and learn to save more, invest wisely, and use credit in a responsible manner.
As the holiday season approaches, it is becoming more evident that sales will suffer significantly. The purchasing power of many has been drastically scaled back, not by choice but rather but the current financial realities. This will undoubtedly be clear during the opening-presents time this Christmas as people will spend less time opening gifts than in previous years.

There is no reason to be happy for these terrible times, but it is unavoidable not to mention a positive byproduct of this crisis. Almost anyone would agree that the traditional meaning of the holidays has been severely diminished. Christmas used to be a time in which people would celebrate Jesus birthday, even if all they did was a mere reference to that, a time in which the family would get together to share fond memories, love, and be united. It used to be a joyful experience in which the least important thing was to buy expensive presents for everyone; Presents that sometimes would be inappropriate for the occasion, or simply disliked by the receiver.

This time around, presents will be relegated to a lower priority status, a place that is more fitting. The number one priority should be family and everything the word entails. However, this can also be an opportunity in which gifts can be bought or made with careful consideration and lots of love. The deciding factor when giving something should not be cost or status but rather how the present will help someone else or how it will make their day a little bit happier than the previous one. Here of course happiness is to be taken in a meaningful context and not the greedy type that comes from the pleasure of owning objects that are stylish and pricey; Gifts should make the soul happy.

Gifts as mentioned above pertain to a level of priority and importance below family but I am in no way against the idea of buying presents for people. In fact, buying is good as it creates jobs and helps the economy. However, I do stand against buying expensive gifts when people can’t afford them. There is no reason to go overboard when buying a present. We should give to the extent that our wallets can take it and not a cent more, even if it is a plastic cent. Those credit card purchases should be done if there will be funds to pay it in the near future and not 5 years later and at twice or more the original cost.

Gifts serve as a mere courtesy during the holidays; something that lets others know we thought of them and also something that can be fun. It is like the appetizer before the main meal and it should not be over emphasized. If you can afford it, then by all means buy it. This Christmas buy gifts you can afford and give the one thing that can’t be bought and that is underrated and almost completely ignored by everyone: “LOVE”.


  1. Anonymous // November 29, 2008 at 9:02 PM  

    I think that you're right when you say that the most important thing is Love, but we shouldn't feel happier or more loving just at this time, we should do it all the time.